SS2 / SS6 • Serra de la Llena Special stage guide
11,79 km
Friday, 21 october 2022 • First car due: 9:33h and 16:09h
General description
This is the second great novelty of this edition. An unprecedented stage with two parts. The first starts almost in the centre of the village of Vilosell on a steep road where the first public area is located. After the steep descent, an ascent begins with medium-radius interlaced bends that culminates in La Pobla de Cèrvoles.
Once in La Pobla de Cèrvoles, the participants will have to take on two spectacular areas at each of the entrances to the village in the form of hairpins that form the second spectator area of the stage.
Once past the village, the participants will enter a lush forest towards the end of the stage, continuing on a wide road but with a more broken asphalt. Access to the end of the stage will be forbidden to the public.
Camping is forbidden on the entire stage, except in designated areas.
¡Always leave a lane free, all accesses are escape routes in case of emergency!
Spectator Area ZP-1
At the centre of Vilosell is the time control point where all the participants will have to pass, making it a place of double interest, both for the start of the stage and to experience the atmosphere of the previous minutes before the start of a special stage. The first bends from the start of the stage are medium radius but steeply downhill.

Access 1: Via the LT-7013 road coming from L'Albi. Access via Vallclara will be closed to the public.
Parking: before reaching the village of El Carrilet on the LP-7013 road, there will be large parking areas.
Spectator Area ZP-2
The participants will pass through the ring road of La Pobla de Cèrvoles. At both entrances to the village, there will be spectacular areas where the participants will delight all the spectators.
At the first of the entrances, after leaving the wooded area before the village, the drivers will have to brake towards the centre of the village and pass the traffic islands in a narrower area where they will probably have to use the handbrake.
The second entrance to the village is reached after passing the entire ring road and a roundabout.

Access 2: From Cervià de Les Garrigues take the rural road (asphalted) for 9.4 km to La Pobla de Cèrvoles.
Parking: there are large car parks on the outskirts of La Pobla de Cèrvoles.