SS9 / SS12 • Savallà Special stage guide
13,93 km
Saturday, 22 october 2022 • First car due: 8:44h and 14:14h
General description
Considered by everyone to be the stages of stages, the Savallà stage has such different sections that it is quite a dynamic route. It starts downhill on a somewhat worn tarmac, double lane with heavy braking until the first junction, to the left and wide. The road widens for a few metres but quickly narrows to a single lane. It climbs through an area of switchbacks and medium radius bends to the Savallà del Comtat.
Then the route passes through the town at high speed until it reaches a downhill corner, where the brakes are very hard, to continue, after just over 50 metres, to a junction on the right to take a tarmac road towards Segura. This is one of the most beautiful parts of the stage and of the rally itself. On the road to Segura the presence of spectators will be forbidden due to the narrow and fast road. There are no safe locations for the public, so do not go to this area.
The Segura junction is another point of interest on the stage, after a very fast descent there is another type of road, wide, but with very abrasive tarmac. The descent towards Conesa has very fast bends where it is possible to cut through the ditches.
The last junction of this stage is the Conesa junction, which is easy to access and is reached after a series of fast bends, it is uphill and the asphalt changes again. The visibility for spectators at this point is very good. The last part of the stage is very fast on very broken tarmac and single track.
Camping is forbidden on the entire stage, except in designated areas.
Do always leave a free lane, as all accesses are escape ways in case of an emergency!
Spectator Area ZP-1
This is the first junction of the special. After a start with heavy braking and fast switchbacks, the road comes to a wide junction. The positioning of the crowd must be key, as the route is very fast and downhill. The outside, up the mountainside, is an option where spectators can enjoy the passing cars with a good view.

Access 1: It can be reached via the T-224 road from the town of Llorac, which at the same time can be reached from two places: Tàrrega or Cervera. From Tàrrega, take the C-14 road towards Montblanc/Solivella, then take the L-241 road towards Guimerà and Vallfogona de Riucorb; after passing through these two towns, take the T-224 road.
Access 2: From Cervera take the L-214 road that passes through the village of La Guàrdia Lada, Cabestany (L-243) and finally take the junction on the left towards Llorac/Santa Coloma de Queralt.
Parking: There is no specific car park. You must leave your car on the roadside. Remember: Do always leave a free lane, as all accesses are escape ways in case of an emergency!
Spectator Area ZP-2
This area is one of the most complete of the stage, in terms of visibility, spectacular views and the location of the public. It comes from a very fast area, passing through the town centre of the village of Savallà del Comtat, to finish in a downhill left-hand angle. After the hard braking comes a junction to the right to change to asphalt. The spectacular nature and visibility at this point is excellent.
IMPORTANT: the asphalted road between Solivella and Segura is forbidden to the public.

Access 3: Access will only be possible before the road closure at 00.00h (depending on the number of people, the road may be closed earlier), via the TV-2244 road from Conesa. Conesa can be reached from Rocafort de Queralt via the T-230 or via the TV-2301 road from the village of Les Piles (located to the east of Conesa).
Parking: There is no specific car park. You must leave your car on the roadside. Remember: Do always leave a free lane, as all accesses are escape ways in case of an emergency!
Spectator Area ZP-3
This is one of the steepest braking sections of the stage. The crossing of the village of Segura is reached by the rural road that links the area and the village of Segura itself (it will be forbidden for the public) and that in its final part has a steep downhill slope.
The location for the public is very good thanks to the raised fields adjacent to the road. The spectacularity is assured as it is a very strong braking at crossroads and downhill.

Access 4: Following the T-243 road from Tàrrega or Cervera. From Tàrrega follow the C-14 road, direction Montblanc/Solivella, to take the L-241 road towards Guimerà, Vallfogona de Riucorb; after passing both towns, take the junction on the right, which is very narrow, towards Conesa.
Access 5: From Cervera take the L-214 road that will pass through the village of La Guàrdia Lada, Cabestany (L-243) and take the crossroads on the right towards Vallfogona de Riucorb/Conesa. After 200 metres take the crossroads on the left towards Conesa.
Parking: There is no car park, cars must be parked on the road itself. Remember: Do always leave a free lane, as all accesses are escape ways in case of an emergency!
Spectator Area ZP-4
This is the last junction before the end of the stage and also the last change of asphalt. It is a very fast descent to the village of Conesa. The junction is uphill, but very tight. Spectators will have plenty of visibility with the village as a backdrop and plenty of room to position themselves and follow the passing cars safely.

Access 6: Conesa can be reached from Rocafort de Queralt via the T-230 road. Before reaching Rocafort de Queralt, take the C-241d road from the village of Sarral.
Access 7: Along the TV-2301 road from the village of Les Piles (located to the east of Conesa).
Parking: ample parking areas before reaching Conesa.