SS4 / SS8 • Riba-roja Special stage guide
13,98 km
Friday, 21 october 2022 • First car due: 11:26 and 18:02h
General description
The stage has the same route as in the previous edition. The special stage starts at the Riba-roja d'Ebre reservoir, where after a few metres there is a steep slope full of hairpins and braking, combined with areas of good switchbacks. This first part ends at the top of the hill next to the Berrús hermitage and with spectacular views of the river Ebre.
The descent is very steep and full of switchbacks that lead down into the valley where the stage begins a fast climb towards the end of the stage in the direction of La Pobla de Massaluca. Before the end of this special stage, the competitors will have to face some hairpins and hard braking, but where the cut-offs can also leave the asphalt very dirty.
Camping is forbidden on the entire stage, except in designated areas.
Do always leave a free lane, as all accesses are escape ways in case of an emergency!
Spectator Area ZP-1
This is an area where they arrive at high speed, after winding close to the Riba-roja d'Ebre reservoir, but where the stage starts to get more complicated. With steep slopes, the bends and hairpins keep appearing one after the other in a very marked ascent that offers great visibility of the start of the stage.
Safe area on the different slopes of the mountain and the crops near the road.

Access 1: Access will only be possible before the road closure at 00.00h (depending on the number of people, the road may be closed earlier).
Parking: There is no parking as the forest track is very narrow. Be careful not to block the access road, it is very narrow. Always leave one lane free, all the accesses are escape routes in case of emergency.
Spectator Area ZP-2
The stage reaches the top very close to the Berrús hermitage. The views of the river Ebre are spectacular and the road begins a vertiginous descent. The mountain itself acts as a natural grandstand to be able to follow a good part of the descent of the cars. A safe area on the mountain side.

Access 2: Complicated. From La Fatarella, take a track called "Camí dels Valencians"; after 6 kilometres take a junction on the left. Follow the signs to the Berrús Hermitage, the stage is about 15 km from La Fatarella.
Parking: limited parking around the hermitage itself. Be careful not to block the road as it is very narrow and dirt.
Spectator Area ZP-3
The road continues winding downhill and then takes a steep climb towards La Pobla de Massaluca. Very good visibility to follow the riders' lines during the descent and a safe area in the crop fields near the road.

Access 3: Complicated access of about 16 km, to get there you have to take the dirt road from Vilalba dels Arcs (which was the old Terra Alta stage), towards the hermitage of Sant Pau. Once past the hermitage follow the road, at the first crossroads do NOT follow the signs to La Pobla de Massaluca.
Parking: very complicated as you can only park on the access road itself. Remember to always leave a free lane to be able to circulate. Be aware that the access roads are escape routes in case of emergency!