SS3 / SS7 • Les Garrigues Altes Special stage guide
22,64 km
Friday, 21 october 2022 • First car due: 10:26h and 17:02h
General description
The Les Garrigues Altes stage is another completely new stage. It is the same stage that was held last year under the name of La Granadella, but in the opposite direction.
The first part of the stage is close to El Soleràs, and then quickly enters a downhill area with good visibility. Then you reach a very twisty area with tight hairpins and broken tarmac. Heading towards La Granadella, the stage becomes even narrower, but it becomes flat again, with more vegetation, less visibility and the windmills of the wind farm announcing the arrival at La Granadella.
Once you reach La Granadella and pass the chicane inside the village, a dizzying descent begins with fast sections and heavy braking until you reach Bovera, where the third spectator area of the stage is located. After that, the descent is less steep, but the speed increases until the end of the stage.
Camping is forbidden on the entire stage, except in designated areas.
¡Always leave a lane free, all accesses are escape routes in case of emergency!
Spectator Area ZP-1
Located at the exit of the stage, this is a high-speed area with very good visibility, characterised by good cut-throughs. Safe area inside the margins.

Access 1: Arrive at El Soleràs via Granyena de les Garrigues (L-700), l'Albagés (C-233) or Els Torms (L-701). Once parked on the outskirts of the village of El Soleràs, enter on foot along the stage itself (well in advance) or on foot towards the Ermita del Carrilet chapel.
Parking: Near the village of El Soleràs. Parking is not allowed in the centre of the village.
Spectator Area ZP-2
Probably the most interesting area to follow the participants along this stage. It is a spectator area that is actually two different areas.
The first area is before reaching the village of La Granadella, the road is narrow and the bends have great visibility in the raised fields next to the road.
The second area is in the village of La Granadella itself, the chicane inside the village will be reached at high speed and is sure to offer a spectacle thanks to the heavy braking.

Access 2: From Bellaguarda from the east, entering on the C-242 road.
Access 3: From the C-12 road between Torrebesses Llardecans from the west entering on the C-242 road.
Parking: Areas enabled near La Granadella. Be careful not to block the access road, always leave one lane free, all the accesses are escape routes in case of emergency!
Spectator Area ZP-3
Pass through the village of Bovera. The road to the village itself is narrow and smooth asphalt, but as the stage enters the road it becomes wider and more asphalted. This is a point with very good visibility from the crop fields near the village and other elevated areas.

Access 4: From La Palma d'Ebre take the asphalted road in the direction of La Palma d'Ebre, and after 7.5 km you will reach the village itself.
Parking: Car parks close to the village of Solivella.
Once the town's car parks are full, access from La Palma d'Ebre will be cut off.