Route of the 44 RallyRACC Catalunya-COSTA DAURADA presented


RACC Motor Sport has just made public the itinerary of the 44th edition of the RallyRACC Catalunya-COSTA DAURADA, 12th round of the 2008 World Championship and 5th scoring round of the JWRC, to be held from 2 to 5 October with its venue shared by the city of Salou, host to the start and finish podium, and the theme park PortAventura, location of the rally headquarters and the Service Park. 

The route of this edition will be similar to last year, however with the inclusion of two completely new stages on Day 2 (Les Garrigues and La Llena) and some changes in the stages of La Mussara and El Priorat-La Ribera d'Ebre. A special feature of this year's event is that both of the new stages will cover roads of the province of Lleida (first time since the rally is run completely on asphalt). On the three rally Days, participants will be racing a total of 18 special stages. Every Day will consist of three stages which will be run twice. The RallyRACC will be made up by a total of 1,315.27 kilometres, 352.36 of which will be timed.

The presentation event was held in the Tarragona County Council and was attended by Josep Poblet, president of the County Council, Sebastiŕ Salvadó, president of the RACC; Antonio Banyeres, Mayor of Salou; Mercedes de Pablo, PortAventura general manager; Albert Abelló, president of the Tarragona Chamber of Commerce and Joan Aregio, president of the Tourist Board. All of them highlighted the benefit provided by the RallyRACC to the province of Tarragona that celebrates its largest sports event with this race. 
